  • Christ's Body Ministries




We deeply value and appreciate our financial partners. Thank you for becoming a financial partner and investing in our ministry.

Your generous donation goes directly to:

  • Our Mobile Outreaches to the poor and homeless in camps throughout the Denver area provide; food, clothing, showers, laundry, and pastoral care.

  • Our Day Shelter and Daily Bread Program, offers food, clothing, hygiene services, community connections, and pastoral care Monday through Friday 7:00-9:00am.

  • Our DOC reentry program provides up to 90 days of safe housing, food, clothing, while the men relaunch their lives.

  • Our RISE resident community, offers a 1-year on-site residential program for homeless men, providing room and board, education, counseling, spiritual growth, and discipleship.

Consider becoming a Sustaining Partner and give on a monthly basis to help us through the lean months.

Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

If you wish to make a gift by check, please mail it to:

Christ's Body Ministries
850 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203

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